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CONCRETE RETARDER V-200 (VERTICAL ETCH) is a water based in-form retarder for revealing aggregate in freshly cast vertical or sloped concrete surfaces. CONCRETE RETARDER V-200 will retard vertical concrete in-form surfaces from setting normally for 12-24 hours.

To Use: Forms should be treated when they are in place. Remove any surface contamination from the forms and allow to dry. Evenly apply CONCRETE RETARDER V-200 with a sprayer or brush to all exposed areas of the formwork. Typically 1L of CONCRETE RETARDER V-200 will cover 2-3 square meters of form. Allow the forms to dry completely before pouring the concrete. Once forms are dry the concrete can be carefully poured minimizing abrasion to the form surface by the concrete. Allow the concrete to reach 800 psi (typically 6-24 hours) and remove forms carefully. Wash the cement paste from the vertical surface with a pressure washer, or a stiff broom and hose. Avoid washing too early as aggregate may be loosened by the washing process.